Shaft hole axe with decoration, (B10300/a). Long and slender axe with a conical neck. The axe is hollow. There is decoration on the blade, around and between the shaft holes, and on the neck and neck. The blade has three rows of running spirals near the edge. Two parallel lines run along the sides of the blade. There are parallel lines and triangles/zigzags under the shaft hole. There are three rows of three spirals each between the shaft hole on the broad side of the axe. The neck has a pattern of transverse parallel lines and zigzag below and above a row of running spirals. The neck is decorated with parallel lines, zigzags and oblique lines, while the top of the collar has lines and zigzags. The brown patina has disintegrated in several places. Length: 29 cm Width: 6.8 cm above the edge Weight: 939 g
Shaft hole axe with decoration, (B10300/b). The axe is broken at the shaft hole and the neck is missing. Unlike the other axe, this ax is massive. The blade is narrower than B10300/a, and has grooves from the shaft hole to the curved edge. There is decoration on the blade, the sides and around the shaft hole. The blade has transverse parallel lines and bead-like decoration about 2 cm from the edge, followed by a set of six interlocking spirals in two rows, a set of four interlocking spirals in two rows, then a vertical row of five spirals ending at the shaft hole. There are vertical ribs in relief between the shaft holes. Below the shaft holes and along the side facets are parallel lines and beads, which «frame» the side facets. There is also a line pattern on a preserved fragment of the rim of the shaft hole. The brown patina has dissolved and little has been preserved. Length: 21.1 cm Width: 7 cm above the edge Weight: 1030g
Lunde, Vindafjord (formerly Ølen), Rogaland
Found in a spring, «Slettakjelda», near a clock. Gravel was dug up and the axes were found in the gravel; it was at approx. 50 cm deep.
Early Bronze Age, period 2