Small socketed axe without loop. The socket is incomplete due to a casting flaw; there was not enough metal. Two marked ribs can be discerned. The socket has an oval cross-section. The facet starts at the ribs and is triangular. The sides are parallel and are slightly wider near the edge, which is convex and curves up on either side. There is no internal haft support. The axe has a brown patina which has been more or less completely removed in modern times. Similar to Baudou’s type VII C 2 b, although the sides are straighter.. Length: 7.1 cm. Width: 3.9 cm across edge.
Found in a bog, no other information.
Kvamsøy, farm unknown (Simones according to Johansen 1993), Sande, Møre & Romsdal
The size of the axe suggests a date from the Late Bronze Age, but the shape points to the Early Bronze Age. The similarity to Baudou’s type VII C 2b suggests a period 5 date, although the lack of internal shaft support dates the ax to Younger Bronze Age period 4.