Fibula with round head and loop with spiral end. Both spirals are broken, one is preserved. The fibula is heavily corroded. Length: c.9.9 cm. B5000/a.
Dagger with button, fragments of bone, wooden sheath and bark. The blade is green and corroded, with straight, parallel sides and a marked midrib. The tip is broken. The blade expands towards the hilt, which has a tongue-shaped shank plate with three rivet holes. There is a rivet in the top rivet hole. Length: 25.5 cm. The handle button is round/oval with a central round pin surrounded by a border of vertical, parallel lines and six spirals. The mouth is partially damaged. Width: c. 4 cm Fragments of a bone shaft are preserved. According to the report, the party ended in a crescent shape; there were two (false?) rivets in addition to the three rivets corresponding to the holes in the shaft plate, and the remains of a loop near the handle knob. Fragments of a wooden scabbard, found under the dagger. One of the fragments has a hole and a bronze nail still embedded. The longest wood fragments are approx. 11.5 cm; there is corroded bronze on one fragment. Pieces of bark were found under the dagger and sheath. A sample of charcoal and cremated bones has been preserved. B5000/b.
Shard of an urn, hardened with ground quartz or coarse sand. The shards have a reddish surface inside and out. Some shards have been glued together. The shards are for a pot with a convex body and concave rim. There is no decoration. The surface is uneven. The original height was probably approx. 20-25 cm and the diameter approx. 15-20 cm. B5000/c.
Holen, Time, Rogaland
Found in a burial mound excavated by Gustafson. The mound was 16 m across and had a height of approx. 1.5 m. A stone coffin made of slabs, approx. 2.15 m long and 45-50 cm wide, 80 cm deep, was found southeast of the center. It was empty down to a depth of 30 cm; it was filled with earth, small stones and gravel. At a depth of 35 cm, the fibula and dagger as well as the outline of unburnt bones were found. The bronze was found in the northern part of the coffin. At the bottom of the coffin, fragments of an urn were found in one place. Pieces of cremated bones and charcoal were found in the fill in several places in the mound.
The fibula is dated to Early Bronze Age Early Period 2, the dagger is Period 2. It is difficult to give the urn an exact date, presumably Period 2, although it may be a later addition.