Sword B5046

Foto: Svein Skare © Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, CC BY-SA 4.0

Four fragments of a tanged sword with sword knob. The blade has a rounded midrib, with a raised rib on each side that is concave at the top of the blade. The pliers consist of eight bronze discs. The handle is rounded towards the blade in a crescent shape that has relief decoration, and the outer edge of the crescent has slanted lines. The shaft has five rivets. The sword button is oval with a round central pin surrounded by eight rings in relief. The tip of the blade is missing. Length: 43 cm

Bø, Karmøy, Rogaland.

Found in «Knaghaug» in 1893; the mound was partially destroyed and the sword was found under a slab near the top of the remaining mound. Shetelig excavated the remaining pile in 1907, and found stones and charcoal, probably a broken stone coffin. At the bottom he found a boat-shaped stone setting, 3 x 2 m. It consisted of round beach stones on a layer of boulders. At the eastern end there was a standing slab on a slab layer on top of a layer of yellow sand. There was a layer of stones under the sand, sitting on the ground.

Early Bronze Age period 3.