Large socketed axe with parallel sides and slightly curved edge, without loop. There is no internal shaft support. The mouth and the upper part of the blade are damaged on one side. The damage appears to be the result of a casting error, as the metal is thin here, and there are small holes and bubbles in the metal. The mouth is round/oval while the blade has a hexagonal cross-section. There are three transverse ribs below the edge of the mouth. The leaf has a net-like pattern of small rhombic shapes. Similar to Baudou’s type VII C 1 a. Length: 11.2 cm. Width: 3.3 cm above the edge.
Hiksdal (gnr. 74/3), Vindafjord (formerly Ølen), Rogaland
Found during work in a bog area, «Knattahaugane», for cultivation approx. 40 m E of the farmhouse. There was a small hill in the middle of the marsh covering a large round stone which was removed. The ground measured approx. 2 x 1.5 m.; The stone had a diameter of approx. 1 m. The following year, B11805 was found where the ground had been. There has occasionally been a water source in the area.
The size suggests period 3, while the shape suggests period 4, i.e. the transition between the older and younger Bronze Age.