One half of a soapstone mould for a socketed axe. The shape is square and polished. There are matching lines near the top and bottom of the shape. Near the top there is a print consisting of three grooves on both sides, this part is cut back from the face, forming holes on both sides of the top. The shape is that of a small axe with a hole with a loop, slightly curved in and with a straight egg. The axe is decorated with four vertical and parallel depressions from the edge of the mouth and halfway down the blade. The axe hole is marked with a rib. Baudou’s type VII A 1 a (cf. Minnen fig. 1059-1060). Length: c.9.5 cm. Width: 4 cm bottom, 5 cm top
Skjeldestad (no. 63/5), Sogndal, Sogn & Fjordane
Found in an outbuilding, no information on how or when it was first found.
Axes of this type, with two or more vertical and parallel depressions, are dated to period 4 (Baudou 1960:18).