One half of a soapstone mould for a socketed axe. It is polished and semi-circular. There is a matching line on the bottom, and the parting is cut down near the top. There is also a V-shaped impression that runs from the top to the edge of the mouth. The shape is that of a small axe without a handle, slightly curved in with a straight edge, as well as a marked rib around the mouth. Length: c. 8 cm. Width: 5.5 cm bottom, 6 cm top
Eide (no. 65/4), Selje, Sogn & Fjordane
Found during digging near an outcrop in peat soil, of approx. 30 cm depth. The location is close to the school fence, about 5 m above sea level
Axes of this type are generally dated to the Younger Bronze Age period 5-6.