Decorated pommel, probably belonging to B906. The pommel is rhombic, with a round socket. The socket is damaged and there is some damage underneath the top. The remains of a rivet are found inside the socket. There is an oval boss at the top, decorated with striated triangles and surrounded by eight concentric rings. There are dots, a line, and more dots between the edge and the rings. The socket is also decorated: eight horizontal parallel lines, followed by a border of vertical parallel lines, three horizontal lines, criss-crossing lines, and finally horizontal lines, with a possible border of vertical lines. Golden, red, and brown; there is some corrosion. Width: 4.5 x 4 cm
Found in a mound at Sola in 1834, together with a razor, two daggers and a fibula (B00449, B00906, B00907, and B00908). No other information. This cannot be confirmed, as the original catalogue mentions that the finds may have come from several mounds.
Sola, Sola komm., Rogaland
Older Bronze Age periode 3