Sword B1008. Tongue-hilted sword, undamaged and in good condition. The shaft ends in a small tange, and there is a rivet hole on the shaft. Both sides of the shaft show signs of hammering. There are two rivets on the broad shoulder, below which is a marked indentation on each side of the blade. Two parallel sets of three lines run from the shoulder along the midrib almost to the tip of the point. Dark green patina, there are some golden spots especially on the center rib. It is an imported sword of the Mindelheim type (Jensen 1997), originating in Central Europe. Length: 80 cm
Found on a seder farm, Seberg, used for grazing by several farms, 450 m.a.s.l. The sword was stuck in a crack in an outcrop (although some sources say it was found between rocks). There is an outcrop with a large cup mark close by, as well as other cup mark places on the path that leads to a seat farm further up the mountain.
On the seat farm Seberg under Lekve (gnr. 49, 50), Ulvik, Hordaland
Swords of this type are dated to the Younger Bronze Age, period 6.