Dagger blade with two rivet holes. There is some damage to the edges of the blade, otherwise it is well preserved. Green patina, there are some scratches where someone has tried to polish the blade. There is a central rib on both sides of the blade. The dagger was previously kept at the Archaeological Museum in Stavanger with number SM 2849. Length: 12.5 cm. Width: 2.8 cm
Possibly from a mound, «Garahaugen»; it was reported to have been found in a chamber containing charcoal. The excavation of Garahaugen revealed a central mound on an earthen platform, covered by a mound and surrounded by a foot chain, and a central chamber made of boulders, measuring 0.75×0.35 m. The chamber had been disturbed by grave robbers, and contained charcoal and cleaned cremated leg. The charcoal was radiocarbon dated to 3300±80BP/1460-1300 cal BC (T 858), placing the burial in Period 2-3. There was also another burial consisting of charcoal and cremated bones between some stone slabs; the charcoal was dated to 3030±70BP/1150-1010 cal BC (T 959). Several plow tracks and a cooking pit were found under the earthen platform, and charcoal from an area near the pit was dated to 3080±20 BP/1210-1010 cal BC (T 860). Although this cannot be established, it is possible that the dagger actually came from Garahaugen. It also cannot be ruled out that it came from another pile or heap nearby.
Sørheim (36/3), Etne, Hordaland
Early Bronze Age period 2-3