Sword B11333

Tanged sword with rounded midrib, broken in two below the shoulders; the fragments are glued together. The tang is relatively short, the shoulders are sharp, and the blade is straight, but tapers slightly towards the tip, which is missing. This is a recent injury as the fracture is not patinated. There is some damage to the blade: the blade is bent and uneven around the break, which may be post-closure, although there is a large notch on the edge near the break, which was deposited before closure. There are also marks further down the blade, and a corresponding notch on the edge. The patina is mainly a reddish brown and green; there is some corrosion. Length: 66.6 cm. Width: 4 cm at the shoulders, 2 cm near the tip. Photo: Svein Skare

Found under a large rock on a rocky, gravelly slope or escarpment on Ulsteinhetta, near the southern edge of a ridge known as Ormehalsen. The location is approximately 50 m above a flat area. It was discovered when a smaller stone was removed.

Stadsnes (gnr. 5/14), Ulstein, Møre & Romsdal

The outline and the short tang indicate dating to a Younger Bronze Age period 5 (Baudou 1960).