Long, slender spearhead. The leaves are convex and start 2.4 cm from the socket of the base, just above the two rivet holes. Part of the socket is missing on one side. It has a round cross-section. Three parallel lines run along the edge of the leaves. The socket is decorated: above the rivet holes there are triangles, parallel horizontal lines and a bead border; below are horizontal parallel lines, beads, followed by horizontal lines, triangles, horizontal lines and beads. Dark green patina, there are golden patches where the patina has been removed in modern times. Ullerslev type. Length: 24.5 cm
Apparently found in a mound at Blodheien, that is Reheia on Karmøy. No other information about the grave.
Utvik, Karmøy, Rogaland
Early Bronze Age period 2