Fragmented bar stud (rod-shaped button). The rod is broken on both sides, one fragment is preserved. Total length of the longest side is 5 cm. The bar has faint traces of vertical parallel lines. The hole is oval. The rod pin is heavily corroded and it measures 3.6 x 2.6 cm. The fragment measures 2.8 cm.
Lunde, Farsund, Vest-Agder
Found in a mound, among charcoal and burnt bones. There is no information about a possible coffin, or in which part of the mound it was found. The mound is identified as No. VIII on the map of the mounds at Lunde (Ab. 1877:99). According to the catalogue, a clay bead (B04139) was also found in the mound (Ab.1882).
Younger Bronze Age period 5